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Consulting Services

Small Business Consulting Services

We gauge our worth by the personal and business successes of our clients. We act as a sounding board for our clients, thereby providing them with comprehensive, flexible strategies that address the issues affecting their business. The following are just a few of the areas in which we provide consulting services.

Accounting Software Selection & Implementation

With the number of computerized accounting software packages available for small businesses and individuals growing every day, selecting one that is right for you has become increasingly difficult. As accounting professionals, we have knowledge of most programs, either through personal experience, or industry literature. Our experienced staff can help you choose and implement the system that best fits your needs.

Business Entity Selection

Thinking of owning your own business?

Opening your own business is exciting and thrilling. It's everything that comes after the excitement and thrill has worn off that dictates whether a small business will make it or not. It's up to you to maintain and stretch out the "thrill and excitement" period forever.

Choosing the form of entity of your business (e.g. "S" corporation, sole proprietor, Limited Liability Company) is a crucial decision that can have longstanding tax implications, positive or negative.   A methodical plan of action is needed to fulfill your dream or goal of being your own boss and running a successful business. Success lies in the approach you choose to take. We help you avoid the common pitfalls that many new small business owners make when starting their new venture.

We help you...

    1. Prepare an initial business plan to clarify your marketing, management, and financial plans.

    2. Determine your start-up capital needs.

    3. Identify sources of start-up capital and backup sources if needed.

    4. Evaluate and quantify your borrowing power so you know how much money you can get your hands on if needed.

    5. Select a business structure that best fits your needs by evaluating tax advantages, legal exposure, ease of operation and portability should you need to relocate.

    6. Select the right accounting software by evaluating your budget, needs and hardware.

    7. Prepare a Cash Flow Budget so you know exactly how much money you need to keep the business alive each month for the first few years. Unplanned cash requirements are always emotionally painful.

    8. Establish billing and collection procedures to maximize your cash flow.

    9. Establish procedures to monitor and control costs.

    10. Setup a home office so you can maximize your tax deductions.

    11. Prepare and file all required provincial licenses and permits.

    12. Prepare and file your application for your Federal Employer Identification Number.

    13. Provide payroll and payroll tax filing when you bring on your first employee.

    14. Comply with employment laws so you don't get hit with fines and unhappy employees.

    15. Identify your business insurance needs.  

    16. Develop a solid Partnership Agreement. This is an extremely important document for all new partnerships and will help prevent a tremendous amount of financial and emotional problems down the road.

Financial Planning

Building and preserving your personal wealth requires specialized attention. You get one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.

We help you...

  • Save enough for a comfortable retirement by identifying your retirement needs, analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance.

  • Pay for your child's college education by accurately estimating the amount of money you'll need, analyzing your assets, reviewing estimated shortfalls and considering general alternatives and strategies to help address these potential shortfalls, and developing an optimal savings plan given your financial situation and risk tolerance.

  • Protect your family in case of you become disabled by ensuring you have enough money in your emergency fund and analyzing your life, disability, health, home, and auto insurance coverage. We also review your will and various powers of attorney designed to take care of your affairs in the event you are incapacitated and can't manage them yourself.

  • Achieve your investment goals by identifying the steps needed to maximize your investment returns as well as the steps needed to help minimize your risk while building increased predictability of your investment returns.  

  • Leave a legacy for your heirs by maximizing the value of your estate by saving tax dollars, professional fees, and court costs. As well as minimizing the costs of probate, creditors, lawyers, and estate taxes, which can negatively impact the value of your estate. We also help you stay in control of your affairs by providing a road map for passing your estate on to your heirs.

Payroll Services

As a business grows, it must hire more employees, which can result in increased payroll administration. We can assist you in implementing the controls necessary to ensure a reliable, efficient, and effective payroll system. Our firm can also help you develop a payroll system and prepare all necessary payroll tax returns in a timely manner.